“Are you a devil? Are you a witch? Judge the soul of my enemies, Mrs Jittery Twitch.”
Blurb: “ How twisted do you like your fairy tales? A half-woman, half-cockroach fused in a bizarre gardening accident? That would be Mrs Jittery Twitch, dwelling in the shadows of our misdeeds. If in danger, you can call upon her help… all she asks is your soul as payment. But she’s just a legend, so no need to worry. Barry Harris is a 28-year-old man, still living with his dear old mum in a little flat above a hairdresser. His obsession with Star Trek and the martial arts won’t help him when he’s forced out on a date. And nobody knows about the weird string of events that’s about to put everyone’s lives in danger. A trio of samurai warriors and the strangest offer of help lead Barry on a perilous mission to save the day.” Wow! What a strange ride. The book starts with a conversation between Barry and Brian. Then Jittery Twitch is mentioned. “Are you a devil? Are you a witch? Judge the soul of my enemies, Mrs. Jittery Twitch.” - this should be the line when someone would need her help. I read the following chapters trying to figure out when will Jittery presence be needed. I didn’t like Barry, the main character, but I thought Molly, his mom, was hilarious. She loves metal music and watches Xena. Her cooking style is even stranger. Then we are introduced to Jo. Soon after she was kidnapped by some samurai. Without her medication, Jo has only three days to live. Barry, Molly, Merrill (Jo’s aunt), and the doctor are part of the rescue team. Will manage in time? Can Barry save her from the samurais with his ninja knowledge? Why are the ninjas attacking in the first place? And then we have the neighbor's dog. The author constantly keeps readers on their toes with some weird situations or comments, strange attacks, unexpected twists, and some graphic violence. When I started reading I didn’t have any idea if I would enjoy it or not and I rarely feel like that about a book. The footnotes seemed at first unpractical and are slowing down the pace, but then they actually made me laugh eagerly checking the next one. The course of events in the second part of the book got my interest. The author is asking the reader to pay attention and guess who the narrator is. I have to admit. I didn’t guess it but I am not going to reveal it so you can play your own game. It was fun finding out though. Despite the dark humor and some sarcasm that I enjoyed, I felt that was something missing to the plot that would make me like it more. Or I may not be entirely the right target? Anyhow, I am glad I experienced something different, twisted and ...did I say different? :) The author’s excellent comedic writing amused me. My rating: 3/5. Find it on Goodreads Follow the author on Amazon
We hear on the news, in documentaries about life on Mars or on the Moon. It may be more known in a closer or further future but until then we get to have books that let us fantasize. In this novel with a really beautiful name, we get to see humankind present throughout the whole Solar System. We read about a really fast way of transportation in space which makes many grin and say “if only that would be possible asap”. What makes this book special is that it deals with complex human relationships and it does not bother us with aliens or that sort of things that you are used in science fiction books. The main four characters are young people but my favorite character is the Governor of the Moon, Peter Drake because of his actions and words. He pleads for always doing the right thing, for helping others, fighting for peace and overall harmony and prosperity. He has done so his entire life and made sure that the newly appointed leaders will continue doing so after his departure. This was possible only when Dixon, the President of the Earth was finally removed from the picture. Dixon is definitely a character that the reader will despise, by only reading this sentence “I'm above the law and I myself represent the supreme, the ultimate power over the whole Solar System”. In addition to everything, I loved the most all the positive messages that were present through the whole book.
Type of reader: Lovers of fiction with a touch of science fiction, fantasy, adventure. My favorite quotes from this book: “Life's a precious gift we all need to cherish at any given time and age. Think carefully, coz you won't have much time left on your hands afterwards”. “Suddenly, the tiny little place called the Moon seemed so awe-inspiring and delightful to Brian. He felt young and strong again, uplifted and optimistic, brimming with hope, full of dreams and reveries.” “They finally understood a simple fact: that when people help humankind move forward for the sake of future generations, their reward is a sense of well being and spiritual enlightenment.” My rating: 5/5. Find it on Goodreads Follow the author on Amazon |
Message to you:In order to be a good writer, one has to read a lot. And I do and I love it....and I chose to share my readings with you. Feel free to share with me any of the books you have read or wrote, if I find them interesting I will add them to my list. I'll post my reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and all my social accounts. |