Brilliantly crafted ADHD book for kids and not only.
Blurb: “From thinking fast, to thinking slow, from feeling high, to feeling low; this busy child wishes adults could see inside her head. Based on the author's personal experience with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, "Hi, It's Me" shares the thoughts, feelings, emotions, and experiences of a child dealing with the many challenges of ADHD. Offering insight into the world of ADHD and presenting a list of tips and a printable coloring/journal pages; this rhyming picture book helps children struggling with ADHD feel empowered. It lets kids know that the diagnosis does NOT define them and that there are so many gifts beneath the diagnosis. It communicates that they can find peace knowing they're not alone in how they think and feel.” This book impresses the reader not only through meaningful words but some amazing illustrations. This is one of the best descriptions I have read for ADHD - “A stands for Adventurous, D stands for Determined, H stands for Hyper-focused, D stands for Dreamer.” The author was diagnosed with ADHD when she was ten. This and her professional background gave her the ability to deliver a really fun book that will be a pleasure to be read by any child. Children will be able to better understand themselves and to realize that they are special and not at all alone. There is nothing wrong with being an Adventurous Determined Hyper-focused Dreamer. On the contrary, ADHD kids are lively, intelligent, fun and creative. From what I can see, this book may be read by the child alone or together with their parents. Often we can’t explain how we feel. Children with ADHD have a harder time with this as there is so much going on inside them, they feel that they are different than others, they just don’t know why or how to put those feelings into words. In case you struggled to communicate with your ADHD child, use this book as a discussion opener. I’m sure it will help. ADHD doesn’t have to be a negative diagnosis if the family members, close friends, relatives, peers choose to accept it and those who have it for who they are and how wonderful they are. At the end of the book, the author offers few tips for children, parents, and teachers delivered in a simple, yet profound way. I wish this book will reach the hands of all the kids with ADHD, their parents, the teachers, but also other kids to help them understand their buddies better. PS: In my mission towards acceptance and understanding of ADHD, I'm always happy to see new authors and books supporting the cause. My rating: 5/5. Find it on Amazon Author’s website
Humorous, heart-touching story.
Blurb: “He's a tall, burly carpenter who will be a great mother someday, with a little unexpected supernatural help. Lloyd has reached the age of 32 years, seven months, four days, and six hours without finding Miss Right and converting her into Mrs. Lloyd Schifflebein. Yes, Schifflebein. A name that is unromantic, unspellable, and way too long for signing checks and the backs of credit cards. Even if Miss Right appears, there is another impediment to wedded bliss: Lloyd obsesses over his six children. He doesn’t have them yet, but he is working on it. He has been filing adoption applications all his adult life. This leads many people to deduce that Lloyd Schifflebein is crazy. Big and strong, sure. Cute, maybe, but loony nonetheless. Somehow Lloyd finally convinces the Social Worker From Hell that he really is good father-material. Soon the Schifflebein household is a circus, with six special kids and their six neurotic pet bunnies. To become a forever family, however, they must pass a probationary period with surprise inspections at any time. Then things begin to go wrong: The Teapot arrives. The one that is certain to get Lloyd get officially labeled “insane,” removing any chance of successful adoptions. Miss Right appears, but she is engaged to someone else. Lloyd’s enemies attack him with false accusations and numerous lawsuits. The government takes away Lloyd’s children, pending his day in court. In his fight to keep his children, his livelihood, and his beloved bride, Lloyd definitely needs supernatural help – even if it comes in the form of a snarky, talking Teapot.” Oh goodness, what a sweet story! This was one of the cutest, funniest, heart-warming story I have ever read. The author’s easiness to write humorous lines is amazing, but I have to admit that the story brought also tears to my eyes at times. Despite the paranormal touch of the teapot talking and cooking tea by itself, I would love to see that Lloyd exists in real life. His past made him determined to adopt and take care of six young-children. He prepared all his adult life for this and despite the fact that people had him for being crazy, he never gave up. Were all his wishes fulfilled? I invite you to find out for yourself. For me it was definitely a gripping read that I would love to see turned into a movie one day. Well done! * At the time of this review the ebook is FREE on Amazon so I encourage you to grab your copy and see for yourselves how amazing it is. Quotes: “Lloyd had a philosophy: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If it ain’t on clearance (defined as at least 70 percent off), don’t buy it. If it’s less than 50 years old, it’s too good to get rid of. If it’s more than 50 years old, it’s an antique and therefore too valuable to get rid of. It was a blessing that Lloyd had never married because his philosophy probably would have driven some poor female to commit murder sooner or later….Despite his positive attributes, however, Lloyd had reached the age of thirty-two years, seven months, four days, and six hours without finding Miss Right” “Supernatural assurance had surrounded Lloyd Schifflebein since the day in his early teens when he realized, calmly, that no divinely-inspired couple would ever appear to adopt him into their warm, sunny, house full of hugs and homemade cookies. Lloyd’s joy and comfort from that day forward had been his absolute certainty that he was going to provide that home for six very special children someday.” My rating: 5/5. Find it on Goodreads Follow the author on Amazon Educational and ingenious read.
What to do when you want the time to past fast? But wait! At the same time, you want it to pass slow. Fast for someone, and slow for someone else. Hmmm. Confused? I’m sure not if you remember you have once learned about the theory of relativity. Don’t you remember it? Well, perhaps it wasn't explained to you in a way that could be easily understood and remembered. In this little book beautifully illustrated, the author does to the reader just this. Starman Jones, the main character, explains this theory to his dog in a fun and simple way. At the end of the book, there is also a small glossary that could be really useful especially for younger readers. This is the first book in the series. I expect the author to deal in the same way other scientific theories we have learned in school but never saw the fun in it or even worse, never could have actually understood them. Type of reader: Middle graders and YA or for parents to read with their children. My rating: 5/5. Find it on Goodreads. Follow the author on Amazon. Author’s website. Great for kids of any age!
When I was a child I took drawing lessons and my teacher mentioned to my parents that he saw a great talent in me. Apparently, that wasn't enough as I stopped drawing as soon as we moved to another city. When I came across this book I thought it must be for young kids and definitely not for me. Flipping through pages and following the steps to draw certain figures ( pears, puppies, nightingales, turtles, frogs pterodactyls, honey bees, trains, foxes, stegosaurus, chickens, centipedes, vases, bananas, mushrooms, fish and starfish, bluebells and snails, and potted flowers) I realized that I was wrong. These tutorials are for everyone. They are cute, fun and easy to follow as the author made sure the steps are understandable. Beginning with the basic shapes and displaying the step-by-step process of adding details, these tutorials can be sometimes used alone or with adult help. A great way to introduce your youngster to art. Type of reader: I think these cool drawing tutorials could be useful for everyone also by parents, grandparents or babysitters as a way to entertain the children. My rating: 5/5. Find it on Goodreads Follow the author on Amazon When are we too old to read bedtime stories? My answer is: Never. As long we keep our inner-child alive. How often do we read bedtime stories to our children or grandchildren? With the progress of the technology nowadays and the lack of time I am afraid that too many children fall asleep in front of the TV or playing a computer game instead of reading or being read some pleasant story.
In this collection of bedtime stories and poems, the author has succeeded in giving the readers, both young and old, an invitation to fall asleep peacefully. In addition to that offering food for their thought process. The stories contain shrewdly thoughtful messages for all of its readers to sleep on. While some stories will enable children to learn more about taking care of animals, making friends and instilling family values, others will help the reader relate to certain life situation as moving to a new city or a new school. And there is a ghost story too. Children love ghosts, don’t they? Especially the good and kind will make no harm. The poems are expertly crafted to put the reader in a peaceful, contented state of mind. Sweet dreams will be guaranteed. Throughout the whole book, I could sense that every word was written with a lot of love and joy and it’s clear that not only the talent but also the author’s good heart helped in the creation of such wonderful stories. Captivating and engaging from start to finish. I warmly recommend. Type of reader: I think these delightful and charming stories and poems are suitable for everyone: children, teenagers, and adults that will always keep a young heart and mind. My favorite quotes from this book: “A gentle breeze passed by my face, I closed my eyes to feel it more. A tender touch from nature's grace, Days like this I do adore.” “Softly and gently off we go, To lands far away only our mind will know. The sweetest dreams we’ll have tonight, And wake tomorrow with delight.” My rating: 5/5. Find it on Goodreads Follow the author on Amazon |
Message to you:In order to be a good writer, one has to read a lot. And I do and I love it....and I chose to share my readings with you. Feel free to share with me any of the books you have read or wrote, if I find them interesting I will add them to my list. I'll post my reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and all my social accounts. |