This book was written and published in the Romanian language so, for the time being, my review is for Romanian speaking readers only. Here you can read the review for the first book in the series.
Și totuși, ce ai de făcut pe o insulă pustie? Blurb: „Voiam să mă iubească! Voiam să însemn pentru ea mai mult decât un puști oarecare pe care-l tolera în casa ei. Așa mă considera la început: un puști aiurit, obsedat de sex. Poate că și eram. Istoria penibilă dintre mine și sora ei nu reușise câtuși de puțin să amuțească în mine foamea de trup de femeie care mă mistuia. Eram tânăr, la naiba! Foamea era tot acolo. Iar ea era tot acolo, la îndemână. În primele luni, după ce mă mutasem la ea, îmi potoleam foamea în fiecare noapte, iar foamea reapărea din nou, în noaptea următoare. Oricare altă femeie m-ar fi considerat nebun, dar ea mă accepta așa cum eram.” Citind primul volum am știut deja la ce mă pot aștepta. Nu am fost dezamăgită din nici un punct de vedere. Sarcasmul și umorul negru sunt în continuare prezente, dar din păcate și limbajul vulgar. Sunt conștientă însă că fără acest mod colorat de a relata povestea, autorului i-ar fi fost poate ceva mai greu să ne amuze și să ne enerveze așa de rău. În acest volum avem posibilitatea de a afla evenimente noi din viața lui Tiberiu pe o perioadă de cinci-șase ani. Povestea nu se termină aici. Tiberiu și Eva tot pe insulă sunt. Iar noi, cititorii, putem afirma cu siguranță că Tiberiu nu este o persoană cu calități plăcute și cu siguranță caracterul lui nu pare să îl favorizeze în viață. Modul în care vorbește despre femei în general, homosexuali și femei obeze în special, este abominabil. Sunt momente în care se pare că poate se va schimba. Dar și în acele momente, se întâmplă altceva și mai uimitor și ne schimbăm repede părerea. Dar cel puțin dragostea și respectul lui Tiberiu pentru copii, Gabriela, fiica Miei sau copilul pe care urma să-l nască Laura, îi dă o notă de om normal. Nu avem posibilitatea de a vedea dacă este ceva de termen lung pentru că planurile îi sunt date adesea peste cap de cele mai multe ori fiind singur vinovat. În rest, nici nu e de mirare că a ajuns de atâtea ori la psihiatrie. De cele mai multe ori șocant, dramatic, grotesc și scandalos, și acest roman te ține prins. La momente am avut impresia că e o variantă mai autentică a filmului Borat. În mod sigur prevăd cel puțin încă un volum. Câteva citate din carte: “Am întors niște ochii înlăcrimați spre tipa aia. I-am văzut întâi fața, apoi am coborât privirea ceva mai jos și în momentul acela am înțeles de ce-mi se păruse familiară vocea de la telefon: era șatena din tramvai, tipa cu... ceasurile și era însoțită de același fund mortal. Doctorul îmi promisese c-o să zâmbesc când voi ieși din cabinet, dar eu zâmbeam de pe-acum. Ea, însă, nu zâmbea. Nu avea memoria fețelor.” “Am oftat și m-am îndreptat spre casă. Afurisita de sărăcie s-a ridicat și ea de pe bancă și m-a însoțit. Unde mergeam eu, hop și ea! Mă călca pe nervi. Nu reușeam niciodată să mă obișnuiesc cu prezența ei.” My rating: 4/5. Find it on Goodreads Follow the author on Amazon Author’s website
Love can be found when you least expect it.
This is a different kind of lesbian romance novel, where erotica elements are more present than the emotions related to a love between two people. This is the story of Virginia and Sage, both with some traumatic past and lots of personal issues. Virginia, a well-known actress, decided to take a break from the spotlight and drugs related issues, and move to a cabin in a remote place in Wisconsin in order to recover and find herself. Sage, a successful writer, was living a solitaire life in the same place, trying to recover from a hard past. They were brought together by Sage’s dog, named Denzel and Bartleby. While the dog only made the introduction, series of events, quite unusual and tragic I must say, made them realize that they rescued themselves from life-threatening events and offered them a possibility for a brighter future. A fun, heartwarming read, dark at times, steamy in big proportion. Does it bring a happily ever after? Will their sexual relationship go beyond intensive sexual moments, and love for the same cute little dog? Will they manage to move further from the dark point in life? Will they make peace with their past? These are all questions that I invite you to discover the answer on your own. Type of reader: Readers of contemporary lesbian erotica. Quotes from the book: “This was what Denzel was doing the other day. He wasn’t watching anything in particular, just looking into the deep beauty of the world around him. How much time do we spend looking at our phones? Looking at our walls? Closing ourselves in, away from this great big wonderful wide world that we were born into?” “He’s like a rescue dog, but so much more than that. I think he brought us together for a reason.” “I had this revelation,” Virginia swallowed. “About me. About everyone, I guess.” Callie nodded. “We’re all just characters trying to play our scenes right,” Virginia licked her dry lips. “But the thing about life is that you can change the script without anyone throwing a shit fit.” My rating: 5/5. Find it on Goodreads Follow the author on Amazon Author’s website Few years after the tragic loss of her husband, Kim – mother of a teenage boy Tim, fights with the sadness of being left alone, of learning how to move on with her life despite the cruel fact that she is never going to see her husband again. Next, to this, she is having difficulties handling her son. As unbelievable as it may seem there is a younger man, Tim’s wrestling coach, that attracts her attention. His name is Chance Carter and he seems to be every woman’s dream. Kim’s life is changing from the moment they first met. Desire mixed with feelings of guilt are a barrier that she needs to overcome. Life has to go on.
Though the title and the events at the beginning of the book, with a bit of a slower pace for my taste, give you a clear indication which way the story goes, I did find pleasure discovering all mixed thoughts and emotions that pass through Kim’s mind. When will it finally be the day when they make the next step? The sexual attraction is very well described, the same as the hot sex that follows repetitively as the story continues. Despite the 16 years difference, they seem to be made for each other. Age shouldn’t matter for those in love. What about for Tim or the rest of the close family and friends? Will their relationship be accepted? I let you discover on your own with a promise of a happy ending and possible overcoming with the age difference barrier. Type of reader: Fans of an easy summer-read with lots of steamy scenes though with the warning that it is more than just hot sex and the age difference. My favorite quotes from this book: “What I wouldn’t give for one more touch. One more kiss. One more chance to say I love you. Missing him hurts. It’s destroying me. Everything I do, everywhere I look, reminders of him tease and torment me. Memories bombard and overwhelm me.” “I cry feeling alone. Empty. I have no one in my life to hold me. No one to soothe the heartache. I cry until my swollen eyes close and sleep carries me to another realm.” “There’s been a change in me since the accident. A big one. It’s like I woke that night and found I’ve been living in a cave of darkness. I stayed there, trapped, only I couldn’t see it until Chance peeked his head in and found me. He reached in and pulled me from the cold and darkness.” “I love him? I can’t. I don’t. I won’t allow myself to love him. I love my husband. Still. Always. Enjoying Chance’s company is okay. Fantasizing about him while I get myself off, who could blame me? Having the hottest sex of my life with him, that’s an experience everyone isn’t lucky enough to have. But love? It doesn’t fit. Not for me. Not for him. Not at all.” My rating: 4/5 Find it on Goodreads Follow the author on Amazon After the successful debut novel “Big Mistake” (Taboo Love #1), the author takes us in another taboo love story. This time is about a gay love but this isn’t so taboo nowadays, is it? Colton and Asher were once stepbrothers and this could be looked at controversial and a big barrier for any further possible intimate relationship. Colton’s father was married to Asher’s mother. Now, luckily for everyone, their parents are divorced.
Asher is a few years younger than Cole and little did they know that secretly they both developed strong feelings for each other. After Asher turned 18 and during Cole’s visit, things evolve. Here starts the spicy part. The truth is spoken. But first Cole needs time to look at Asher as not being related, hence no barriers for their love. On top of that, as he has bipolar disorder, his love for Asher is so strong that he believes that he is too damaged and incapable offering Asher what he really deserves. Asher is so sweet in his determination to be with Colton and forever by his side not only offering love but helping him with his disorder too. The most intriguing and intense part for me was the confrontation between Cole and his father, Chris. While Chris never wanted to accept his son’s diagnose for being accurate, the same he thinks that being gay isn’t normal and it’s all an illusion. Unfortunately, some people are still narrow-minded. The author promises a happy ending and doesn’t disappoint. I encourage you to discover on your own all the details including the hot steamy ones. Once again I was impressed with Lili’s writing craft. Type of reader: Any fan of qualitative M/M (not exclusively) fiction. Age 18+. Intriguing quotes from this book: “It messes up your brain and makes you think gay. It’s a delusion.” He squeezed Colton, hard. “You’re my son. I know you’re normal. Somewhere in there is my little boy. I want him back.” “You’re not gay. I’m not, so how could you be?” his father insisted. “Then I’ll be in the dark with you.” Asher reached out for his arm, so he stepped further back. “You know today is one of those days, but not every day is like this. It’s hard to remember that, where you’re at right now. I’ll learn every idea that could help you, and we’ll do it together. As much as I can, I’ll be… your joy.” My rating: 5/5 (Amazon) 4/5 (Goodreads). Find it on Goodreads Follow the author on Amazon It all started with a mistake. Would it ever start if it wasn’t for that special happening? Is the attraction between Jenny (the student) and Jared (the teacher) accentuated by the fact that their relationship is a forbidden one? Most of us fancy some teacher briefly during our school years, but how many made the step into having a relationship with one? It is commonly known that this kind of relationship is not permitted and the author makes it clear in the introduction to her story. Still, as a reader, I went beyond the forbidden issue and I enjoyed so much this sweet story of lust and youthful desires, with elegantly described steamy scenes. Does having a secret relationship offers you a short-term satisfaction only behind closed doors? Can a ‘no strings attached’ relationship transform into love? Even if started from a mistake, can this lead to a happy ending? I don't want to reveal anything anymore, I just want you to enjoy every little detail on your own. The author did, by no doubt, wrote a great story, every word was in its place, nothing missing and nothing unnecessary, surely no mistakes about it. I really loved this brilliant heartwarming story.
Type of reader: I couldn't put down this fantastic gripping book and read it in one sitting. I recommend it to any fan of romantic genre, with or without the steamy details. Age 18+. My favorite quotes from this book: “Pulling on her oldest, softest pajamas, she crawled into bed, wanting and not wanting to see him ever again. Hoping for and dreading school in the morning, it took her a very long time to get to sleep. Her last thought as she dropped off was, I hope he’s worrying this much about school tomorrow too.” “The two conflicting wants were pulling her in two, one part excited to go and one part wished to stay. Not for the first time, she wished she could just tell Sandra everything. She always had, and it felt wrong to hide something this important from her.” My rating: 5/5. Find it on Goodreads Follow the author on Amazon |
Message to you:In order to be a good writer, one has to read a lot. And I do and I love it....and I chose to share my readings with you. Feel free to share with me any of the books you have read or wrote, if I find them interesting I will add them to my list. I'll post my reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and all my social accounts. |